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THE EMPOWERED WOMAN, Visibility Strategy, Brand Awareness, Business Growth, Marketing, Sales

Feb 26, 2021

Ep 169: Get Encouraged NOW: 2 Ways to Keep Going, Give Yourself Permission to be Proud & Avoid Comparison

Today is one of those days - I’ve recorded this to encourage you. Consider this your dose of empowerment, your pick me up in case you had a hard week or a hard day. I’ll be sharing 2 ways to overcome those...

Feb 19, 2021

Ep 168: Nailing Your Personal Style - Confidence Closes with ROSE JUBB

Image strategist and wardrobe stylist, Rose shares how she helps women entrepreneurs feel amazing in their own skin by working on the outside, all the while working on the inside because as she put it beautifully - confidence closes! We cover...

Feb 12, 2021

Ep 167: Struggling with Consistency? STOP Overcomplicating Your Business in 3 Steps

I see SO many posts on how people struggle with consistency in their business and with posting content on social media and I have ONE piece of advice for you DON’T OVERCOMPLICATE IT!!! But of course, I’ll go into more detail and...

Feb 10, 2021

BONUS: The #1 Reason Why Your Vision Board WON'T Come True - An Overlooked Step that Could Cost Your Dreams

Whether you’ve already made your vision board for 2021 or not, I highly encourage you to take a listen because I will be covering a very important and overlooked step in goal-setting. This is actually the audio...

Feb 5, 2021

Ep 166: Nailing Storytelling in Your Copy with Vulnerability & Authenticity with CODY BURCH

Marketing wiz Cody Burch helps entrepreneurs grow their business through funnels and facebook ads.

We talked about how he is such a wordsmith and makes copy writing SO simple and easy for the rest of us who struggle with it - we...