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THE EMPOWERED WOMAN, Storytelling, Speaking, Brand Awareness, Business Growth, Marketing, Sales

Mar 3, 2023

Ep 284: Want A Personal Manifestation Art Piece? Combining Manifestation And Art Into A Business With CAMILLE SCHECTMAN

I’m sure you have heard of vision boards, and most likely even have one yourself. Vision boards are a creative way to gather inspiring visuals and stay focused on your goals. By putting pictures, quotes, and other items on a board, you can visualize what you want in life and take action towards making it a reality.

Our guest, Camille (artist name De Camille), takes vision boards one step further with her Manifestation Art Experience. De Camille sets up a Zoom session with her clients and guides them through breathwork and meditation. She starts to lay out the piece, which can take weeks, and when she’s more than halfway finished, she’ll show the client photos to make any changes. The goal is to help the client manifest their hopes and goals in life. 

You can find more info here: Cool Art House  

Book a consultation coffee chat with De Camille

Join De Camille's private VIP Art group to stay in the loop and be the first to know when she is sharing new work! De Camille does FB Lives every Friday at 2pm PST.

And she was recently featured on tv!! 


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