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THE EMPOWERED WOMAN, Storytelling, Speaking, Brand Awareness, Business Growth, Marketing, Sales

Jun 29, 2020

Ep 135: LOVING ALL OF ME - What embracing my hair has been teaching me about self-love

I share my silverlinings in the month of June and announce my next FREE training to help YOU embrace all of you.

Register for the training:

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Jun 24, 2020

Ep 134: Finding and Following Your Purpose with CARIN ROCKIND

Women’s happiness and purpose expert, speaker & coach, Carin shares some key moments in her life that made her shift everything and find and follow her purpose, which is helping women find their purpose.

Connect with Carin:


Want to...

Jun 17, 2020

Ep 133: Stop, Breathe, Focus on THE GOOD

I’ve enjoyed connecting with women and giving them a platform to share their story and also invite you to take a deep breath and focus on THE GOOD in your life and within yourself.

Join us inside The Empowered Woman Community on FB to catch all 20 interviews this month and...

Jun 9, 2020

Ep 132: Building Credibility Beyond Social Media with LISA SIMONE RICHARDS

I talk to my friend and publicist who I’ve had the pleasure of working with for my own business, Lisa Simone Richards. She’s just such an amazing perosn and SO good at what she does. She shares how she got into her work and also how important...

Jun 3, 2020

Ep 131: Using My Platform for LOVE

On this episode, I want to acknowledge the current events in the US, show my perspective as a Brazilian immigrant and also my heart and how I plan to showcase more diversity in my work. 

Thanks so much for your support. Please know I'm here for you. Do connect with me!