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THE EMPOWERED WOMAN, Storytelling, Speaking, Brand Awareness, Business Growth, Marketing, Sales

Mar 29, 2021

Ep 174: Advocating for Your Health & the Power of Functional Medicine with SHAE LEONARD

After struggling for years with her health, Shae found answers in functional medicine and now encourages women to advocate for themselves to find their answers.

Connect with Shae:

Mar 26, 2021

Ep 173: Persistence is good, CONSISTENCY is BETTER - Why they're not the same & How to Identify It in Your Life

Are you confusing consistency with persistence?

This is a short and sweet one and I’ll get straight to the point: persistence is good, but consistency is better. Let me share why I believe the two are...

Mar 17, 2021

Ep 172: Want Dream Clients? STOP doing THIS - From Guilt Trip to Empowerment Journey

You may have heard some gurus out there also say in order for someone to invest in you, you need to "put them in their hell," or "stir their pain," "remind them of their problem" and I say STOP doing that.

Telling someone they can't...

Mar 12, 2021

Ep 171: Campaign You'll Never - Using Challenges to Help Others & Create Impact with AVITAL MILLER

Healing breakthrough facilitator and global dancer, Avital inspires people to experience boundless energy, absolute happiness and true success.

We talked handling life’s curveballs with what she calls the Campaign

Mar 4, 2021

Ep 170: 3 Steps to More Clients and More SALES with Your Social Media Content

Want to learn how to let your posts speak from themselves and have people comment and message you saying they want to work with you? Isn’t that THE dream? And I can tell you not only it is possible, I have done it and so have my clients....